Imposter Syndrome - 💭Dream of being free?

🌟Becoming the star of your life movie🎥

Imposter Syndrome - Dream of being free?

Dreams really can come true!

We’ve lived with it so long, it seems permanent doesn’t it?

We spend much effort maintaining our protective wall that we’re spend. No juice in the tank for much else.

We didn’t go into our careers (mostly) for prestige, We wanted to be inspired, to make a difference. Do we feel that every day, or even any day?

Even with demands soaring and all Healthcare’s challenges, we have to find satisfaction at least. Even better if we find purpose and moments of joy.

So instead of focusing today on the Imposter Syndrome itself, focus on what could be if it were gone?

More joy at work and the motivation to take opportunities (or empowerment to turn down assignments).

More time and energy for hobbies, family and friends.

What have always wanted to do with your time? The more ‘out there’ the better! What’s stopping you?

The realisation that perhaps you’ve given enough and it’s time to step aside or step away.


You only get this one life. You need to be the star of that movie!

Be the star 🌟 of your Life Movie 🎥